The Cytogenetics Laboratory performs karyotype analysis on a variety of samples, which include the following:
� Postnatal constitutional chromosome analysis on blood lymphocytes and skin fibroblats
� Prenatal constitutional analysis on amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, fetal blood and products of conception
� Postnatal analysis of acquired chromosome abnormalities on blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes and solid tumors
In addition, the laboratory currently applies Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) for the rapid, preliminary, prenatal screening of uncultured amniocytes or direct preparations of chorionic villi, or the detection of major chromosome translocations in leukemias.
The staff of the Cytogenetics Laboratory currently includes five technologists and a senior technologist, in addition to the laboratory director. The laboratory performs over 2000 karyotypes per year, providing and maintaining photographic records of all cases on an automated karyotyping system.